Edward Bouwman American Legion Post 683
Auxiliary (Organized in 1946)

Congress chartered the American Legion in 1919 as a patriotic organization of American wartime veterans. The Legion promotes and protects veterans’ benefits through education and legislation. The Lester American Legion Post was named after Edward Bouwman, who was killed in action during WWII.
The Lester American Legion and Auxiliary are very active in community. The legion hosts the annual Memorial Day services at the Hillside Cemetery. This event is very well attended, and provides a meaningful, patriotic experience for the area youth as they help decorate the armed forces graves. The Legion and the auxiliary also sponsor junior high school students in the Legion’s Boys and Girls State Program. The Auxiliary promotes Buddy Poppy Day, which supports disabled veterans. The Legion’s annual soup supper is held each winter. Monthly meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month, September through May.